A Comprehensive Guide for Keeping a Bright-Eyed Look After NYE

We know you’re a hard-working professional earning your way up the corporate (or non-corporate) ladder. You’ve got a good life and you’ve earned it! So, it’s completely understandable when you let your hair down a bit, especially for a celebratory occasion like ringing in the new year (or birthdays, weddings, or a Wednesday happy hour—no judgment). However, as we get older, it seems like we pay an increasingly steep price for the previous night’s decisions, and fatigue seems to show up in the worst place possible: our face. Even if you don’t have to get up for work the next day, no one wants to deal with puffy eyes and dull skin. So, whether it’s a rock in’ New Year’s Eve party or just the end of a long week at work, follow these tips to perfect that morning-after bright-eyed look. Rehydrate We all know how this works, so the first thing to do is treat yourself to a big glass of water (or two).Drinking water helps hydrate and nourish skin cells, flush toxins, ...