Natural Food Ingredients That Add Richness to Beauty and Skincare Products

Cocoa butter lipsticks. Coffee bean eye creams. Blush infused with fruit pigments. There’s something rich and luxurious-sounding about these beauty and skincare products. But the fact is: rich, creamy, or yummy-sounding formulas go beyond self-indulgence. An increasing number of people are starting to care about what they are putting on their bodies just as much as they worry about what they are putting in their bodies. Why wouldn’t we want beauty products packed with aloe and acai pulp, instead of formulas with added synthetic chemicals? To make a case for natural ingredients in makeup and skin care products, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of coffee beans in eye cream, foundations infused with fruit pigments, and lipsticks made with cocoa butter. You can decide if these are the types of beauty products that you can get behind. Goodbye, Puffy Eyes Drinking a good-old cup of coffee perks you up in the morning. Believe it or not, you can als...